A Dawn Song - Ezra Pound | BOSEM Class 9 English Literature Reader

Board of Secondary Education Manipur (BOSEM) Class: IX English Literature Reader (Poetry) Chapter: 7 A Dawn Song Ezra Pound God hath put me here In earth's goodly sphere To sing the joy of the day, A strong glad song, If the road be long, To my fellows in the way. So I make my song of the good glad light That falls from the gate of the sun, And the clear cool wind that bloweth good To my brother Everyone. Substance/Summary of the Poem In this poem, the speaker feels that God has placed him on Earth to celebrate and sing about the beauty of the day. The poet expresses his intention to create a joyful and uplifting song, even if the journey ahead is challenging, to share with his fellow travellers. The speaker sings about the bright light from the sun and the refreshing wind that is beneficial to everyone. Detailed Analysis of the Poem The lines of the poem convey a deep sense of purpose and gratitude as the speaker reflects on his role in the world and his connection to nature and h...