Coromandel Fishers - Sarojini Naidu | BOSEM Class 9 English Literature Reader (Poetry)

Board of Secondary Education Manipur (BOSEM)
English Literature Reader (Poetry)
Class: IX
Chapter: 2

Coromandel Fishers

Sarojini Naidu

Coromandel Fishers

Substance/Summary of the Poem

"Coromandel Fishers" is a captivating poem penned by Sarojini Naidu, portraying the fearless fishermen of Coromandel, India, and their perilous journey into the unpredictable sea. The poem vividly illustrates the profound connection between nature and these courageous individuals.

In the poem, the poet describes the life of the fisherman, with the leader calling his comrades to begin their work early in the morning. The term "Coromandel fishers" refers to the fishermen on the Coromandel Coast of South India. When the leader urges "Rise brothers rise," he is calling his men to prepare for their journey to the sea.

The early morning sky is compared to someone awakening from sleep, signifying the start of a new day. The leader alerts his fellow fishermen that the sun has already risen, and the calm wind indicates that it is the opportune time to commence their journey. They are depicted as "sons of the sea," with the rightful claim to harvest the abundant fish.

The fishermen regard themselves as the rulers of the sea, and the narrator urges his colleagues to heed the call of the sea gull, as these birds have an innate sense of where the fish are located. The sea, the clouds, and the waves are personified as close companions to the fishermen, akin to a mother, brother, and friends. Additionally, the sea god is invoked as the protector of the fishermen.

While the fishermen hold an affection for the land, including the shade of the coconut grove, the fragrant aroma of the mango grove, and the natural sounds, the allure of the waves and foam of the sea surpasses these terrestrial pleasures. As the sun sets, it marks the time for the fishermen to return to the land, rowing their boats back to the shore.

In conclusion, "Coromandel Fishers" by Sarojini Naidu is a beautifully crafted poem that celebrates the unwavering spirit of the fishermen of Coromandel. Through poetic language and vivid imagery, Naidu honours their bravery and their deep relationship with the sea.

Solved Textual Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. By what means do the fishermen go out to the sea?

Ans.: - The fishermen head out to sea aboard their catamarans.

2. How will the fishermen know which direction in the sea they should take?

Ans.: - The fishermen can determine their course at sea by heeding the call of the seagulls. The seagulls' presence indicates an abundance of fish, prompting the fishermen to swiftly follow the direction indicated by the seagulls' calls.

3. Do the fishermen feel that their work is free from danger? What assures them of their safety?

Ans.: - The fishermen are well aware that their occupation comes with its share of risks. They might encounter harsh weather, high tides, and storms. However, their trust in the sea god provides them with a sense of security. They have faith that the sea god will calm the storm and shield them from harm.

4. How are fishermen 'kings of the sea'?

Ans.: - The fish in the sea are the property of the fishermen, constituting their wealth, and the sea serves as the foundation of their livelihood. It's almost as if the fishermen have dominion over the sea, leading them to refer to themselves as the 'kings of the sea.'

5. Why should the fishermen not delay?

Ans.: - The fishermen should not delay the morning because the wind is calm and the weather conditions are favourable for them to set sail on their catamarans and head out to sea for fishing.

6. "What though we are tossed at the fall of the sea...?" Why do the fishermen not care even if they are tossed at the fall of the sea?

Ans.: - The fishermen are not concerned about being thrown around by the powerful waves of the sea, as they have unwavering faith in the sea god. They trust that the god, who has dominion over the sea, will surely safeguard them.

7. Where is the place where the hand of the sea god drives?

Ans.: - The sea is the place where the hand of the sea god drives.

8. What places do the fishermen love on land?

Ans.: - The fishermen adore the coconut glade, mango groves, and the sandy expanse under the full moon's glow on the shore.

9. What place is sweeter than land to the fishermen?

Ans.: - The fishermen find the shoreline, where they can feel the spray of the waves and witness the joyful dance of the wild foam, more appealing than the land.

Alternate Explanation of the Poem

Coromandel Fishers by Sarojini Naidu

Stanza 1

  • The poet calls upon the freedom fighters, likened to fishermen, to awaken as India's independence is within reach. The awakening skies represent the land embracing independence after enduring the darkness of slavery.
  • The tranquil wind in the arms of dawn symbolises the suffering India endured during British rule, which will fade away with independence.
  • The poet urges the freedom fighters to ready themselves, similar to gathering nets and setting catamarans free, to seize India's freedom, as they are the champions of the nation.

Stanza 2

  • The poet implores the freedom fighters not to delay but to commence their struggle, following the example of the leaders (sea-gulls) who have declared war against the British.
  • The poet emphasises that the sea, clouds, and waves are like family to the freedom fighters, providing them with a sense of belonging and protection.

Stanza 3

  • In the final stanza, the poet expresses that the comforts and joys experienced by the Indians under British rule may be pleasant, but the fragrance of independence and the feeling of freedom are much sweeter. Therefore, the freedom fighters should wage a decisive war against the British.


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